Thursday, February 12, 2009


Good thing we've got that amazing Aussie spirit here, like everyone says.

Because in other countries, people just let each other burn without lifting a finger.


Anonymous said...

In other countries people might even deliberately start fires!

Anonymous said...

Some countries have no fire services, they just let people burn coz it's their own fault, I think. We are such special people. WE care so much we set up Facebook groups about it.

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog (bizarrely while googling male islam dress), hilarious, looking forward to more.

Neil Cameron (One Salient Oversight) said...

The problem here is socialism. All these socialist notions of using taxes to pay for firemen... what has it done but led to more fires? I say stop funding the firemen and the fires will stop due to the magic of the free market.

Ben Pobjie said...

Jadda, I would say your usage of "bizarre" is quite well-chosen, but what a happy coincidence.

Tell your friends!

Ben Pobjie said...

Or OSS, start paying the firemen for every fire prevented. History shows us that when you give firemen money to put out fires, fires increase in frequency as the firemen see the business opportunity.

But if we pay them a fee for every fire that DOESN'T start, they will have an incentive to not start one. "Seven hundred fires did not start this year," they will say. "Please hand over the delicious money!"

You may say I'm a dreamer...