Click on that link to enter the world of current affairs-analysis-themed merchandise.
In particular, check out the range of t-shirts, many of which feature hilarious and nether-moistening quotes by the man whose blog you are even now unable to tear your eyes away from.
...which is me. You can actually wear quotes by ME, on a T-SHIRT. This is AWESOME. Now you won't even have to talk to people to let them know how much you love me. That's got to save all sorts of time in your day-to-day routine. Go order some now!

Isn't that SEXY????
I'm not sure that your writing generally has a 'nether-moistening' effect on people, but I'm sure having your name spashed across the boobs of women will have some kind of effect on you!
Well now, no need to crush my frail ego so viciously.
Also, bear in mind the boob-splashing will only occur if people buy the shirts. Get out there, girls!
Oh I like the God one
ben. you now have a tshirt range. you are good. better than me.
your babies look nice too.
liz x
I'll never be better than you, Liz. But I'm always trying.
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