Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Have you ever wondered...

...what breastfeeding is all about?

WONDER NO MORE, as Gather Around Me expands its empire into the world of VIDEO!


  1. is this an audition tape for a permanent mamma mia gig lardarse? Surely it must cost more than the thirty pieces of silver the femmos gave you to pay for all of those pies and razors. disgusting fucking pig

  2. Why does this Anonymous person keep posting such vitriol everywhere I look? He had some good quotes in the early days but nowadays, he's just a prick.

  3. He's becoming sadder and more cynical as he ages disgracefully.

  4. Sorry billyjoe, I want someone with milk producing breasts, not the type that you and Pobjie sport.
    Also Sorry to offend your sensibilities Nick, I am trying to get all my insults out before it becomes a criminal offense.
    It is true that I am becoming sadder and more cynical each day. It's like 'when the worm turns' on the two ronnies.

  5. correction, it was called The Worm That Turned. Just watched it for the first time since I was little. Here is a history lesson for all of you castrated males out there..

