Wednesday, March 7, 2012

To My Daughters

My Darling Daughters,

I am writing this on International Women's Day, 2012. You don't know what that means yet, but one day, you'll grow up - as much as I wish you wouldn't - and you'll understand what IWD is and what it means. It would be wonderful if by that time, there was no need for it, but sadly the world is rarely as wonderful as it should be - you'll find that out too; although maybe you already know, from how we make you go to bed every night.

And maybe when you grow up you'll read this - but even if you don't, writing this down will help your dad remember what he wants you to know.

The world is difficult. For everyone. And it's going to be difficult for you. In particular, you're almost certain to meet people who are going to try to make you feel bad, because you're girls.

There will be people who will think your opinions are less important, because you're girls.

There will be people who will think they can speak rudely to you, because you're girls.

There will be people who will talk to you as if you're stupid, because you're girls.

There will be people who will think they can hurt you, because you're girls.

There will be people who will tell you that you shouldn't try to be funny, because you're girls.

There will be people who will tell you there are things you shouldn't even try to achieve, because you're girls.

There will be people who will think they can judge your value as a person based on how you look, because you're girls.

There will be people who will tell you to never be loud, or troublesome, or angry, because you're girls.

There will be people who will tell you to lighten up, because you're girls.

There will be people who will tell you to just accept things the way they are, because you're girls.

There will be people who will try to stop you from ever thinking you can be as good as the boys, because you're girls.

There will be people who will think they can do or say anything they like to you, and you shouldn't complain if you don't like it, because you're girls.

And when you meet any of those people, you will not take a backward step. You will get in their faces, you will stick your finger in their chests, and you will tell them to get the hell out of your way. Because there is no way you're going to let anyone make you feel inferior, or worthless, or stupid, or ugly, because you're girls. When you meet those people, you are going to stop them dead in their tracks, and roll over them like a steamroller.

And when you do , my darlings, I'll know that I must have been a pretty OK dad.


  1. Beautiful piece Mr Pobjie. Thankyou (and what lucky daughters you have).
    Happy International Women's Day to you, your daughters and your partner!

  2. If you're a pretty good dad it's because you're a man.

  3. Well said & they are lucky girls to have you as their dad.

  4. Killer final paragraphs. I don't suppose you'd both care to adopt me?

  5. *is crying*

    Just one more reason I love you to bits and pieces xx

  6. dammit, how appropriate than on IWD I happen to have PMS, and therefore, that your post made me cry too :-P

  7. I wished I had written this! In fact, I may just cut and paste it and claim it as my own. Ha Ha Ha.
