Saturday, July 18, 2009

And while the flames are licking about my ankles...

And another thing...

Occasionally my writing does branch out in strange new directions, and so a little curio, a novelty, a gift-shop fishing-troll, a pewter cameo brooch, for you.

At the risk of alienating my vast fundamentalist Christian audience, I hereby link to the back cover of the journal of the Rationalist Society of Australia, which in its current incarnation features a humourist of ill-repute.

An excellent society, the RSA, and one whose existence continues to be justified and urgently required due to obscenities such as the Exclusive Brethren, who continue to fight the good fight in the cause of destroying families, ruining lives, and child abuse.

Hey, the kids hate their dad! Well done, thou good and faithful servants.


  1. Hey! Will you please follow my blog at ? =]

  2. That's an awesome piece. I wanna send it to all my hardcore Christian friends, with the heading 'Think about it!!!'

  3. Way below average article Ben, just another piece of atheist prose conflating "Christian" with "pants-on-head insane".

    The funniest thing about atheism becoming increasingly synonymous with "fraught with religious fervour" is the irony ;-)

  4. "Way below average article Ben, just another piece of atheist prose conflating "Christian" with "pants-on-head insane"."

    I can't help feeling you see this as a criticism, and yet I don't know why...

  5. One might ask though, Geordie, if you don't like "atheist prose", why on earth you would go about following links to the Australian rationalist journal. What did you expect to find there? CS Lewis?
