Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Is there anything the man can't do?

Andrew Bolt this week writes about the case of "Alex", a 17-year-old girl who wants to be a boy, and who was given permission by Chief Justice Diana Bryant to undergo a double mastectomy to allow her to do so.

Bolt says:

"I have not spoken to Alex. Bryant has. I am not a psychiatrist. Bryant, I presume, has consulted those who are."

And yet, it is a measure of the man's perspicacity, wordly knowledge and polymathic expertise that despite this, he knows the decision is wrong, why it's wrong, and what everyone should have done instead.

Bravo, Andrew, your mighty brain leaves us stuttering in awe

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Ben, it's Bolt once again being right while everyone else is wrong.

    It's obvious that issues like gender dysphoria or being homosexual just doesn't fit in with Bolt's idea of a "normal" society. I'm surprised he didn't use the old "family values" line.

    I think Bolt might have goose dysphoria where he is really a goose born in a man's body. You can see signs of the goose trying to break free regularly ... especially when he writes.
