Monday, March 30, 2009

New Stuff

Well, hello there. I think it's time to plug meself; what else are blogs for?

Apart from my latest article, previously mentioned, on the simple joys of hot president-on-prime minster action, I also have NEW STUFF!

At Babble, a new and rather spiffing parenting website, you will find this piece by me, about the recent additions to my family. Hope you like it.

In other, more distant news, mark down May 23 and 24 in your diaries; these are the days I will be appearing at the Sydney Writers' Festival. I'll write more on this as we further approach the festival, but I'd love to see you there.


  1. My word, Ben, you'll be here! On a weekend! We can come and see you! And finally meet face to face! At this rate I'll run out of exclamation marks!

    Is the show you're doing suitable for 11 year olds? This is important for planning this Big Event.

  2. But have you had a NASA node named after you yet?
