Sunday, December 21, 2008

Two Articles To Read Before You Die

If you were wondering what happened in the last year, you can catch up on it at my YEAR IN REVIEW at newmatilda.

Also of passing interest may be my take on Christmas in The Age. It's my first time in The Age, so I'm quite happy with that.


  1. Merry Xmas !!

    A champion piece in NM [2008 the year that wasn't ...] - can I ask if I can reprint this on our legal website editorial page with link back to NM [i will contact Rod Mc also] - cheers.

    Congrats' on the Age piece also. Nice knife twist ending as we sadly expect kids and xmas to be DS Lite dominated don't we - thankfully family ties still prove stronger!


    Nick Ramage

  2. Hi Nick,

    Reproducing it on another site is really a question for newmatilda; I wouldn't object, but it's up to them whether they allow the entire piece to be reprinted or not.

    Thanks for your comments, appreciate them.
