It's sometimes hard to process all of the different issues swirling about us in the world today. Trying to make sense of religion, and politics, and economics, entertainment, art, celebrity, the nature of good and evil. Such a bewildering array of information sources assail us today, giving contradictory views. It can induce intellectual and moral paralysis to make any attempt to discern the right way to think and to act.
With that in mind, it is a sweet and refreshing change when a development comes along that relieves us of the ambivalence and doubt plaguing our every step, and crystallises everything elegantly and beautifully.
So thank God, say I, for the news that on Wednesday some scientists are going to turn on a machine that will destroy the world.
The Large Hadron Collider is set to make all our worries and cares wonderfully irrelevant. So let's all sit back and relax.
Well I think the end of the world will be well worth it if scientists can find that all elusive Higgs-Boson
ReplyDeleteWho of us have not spent endless sleepness nights wondering where Higgs-Bosun has got to? Better that we should find it and end the world than go on living like this, with this horrible and tortuous lack of Higgs-Bosun cruelly haunting us...
We will become like a urbangalaxy legend.
ReplyDelete" ... there was this one race who delibrately made a black hole which swallowed their entire planet. Ha! Talk about curiousity killing the z3shuihtlw! "
It does look like a Bond villain weapon...
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why we're pursuing the Higgs Bosun and ignoring the Higgs Cap'n.
ReplyDeleteThere was a letter in the Telegraph today saying the way that scientists have to create these conditions now, someone had to create them way back when - 'Maybe that someone was God?' It was from a Reverend someone. Surely he would think it was 'definitely' God? And he obviously hasn't thought his statements through.
ReplyDeleteIt kind of hinders the Paley Watchmaker argument when the best argument for a creator is that he might have done something that we can do ourselves.
ReplyDeleteThey turned it on... is the world over? Coz I feel the same.
ReplyDeleteI just read that a girl in India committed suicide over fears it would end the world...surely if you thought you were going to die soon anyway, you'd just wait, save the trouble of swallowing pesticide.